Thursday, March 25, 2010

The group arrived in Accra, Ghana early this morning, safe and with no lost luggage! They are bypassing the hustle/bustle of Accra and headed to the serene Cape Three Points where Trinity Yard School and the villagers anticipate their arrival! The group is reportedly tired from the two days of travel, but everyone is excited to meet their work partners for the next two weeks, begin to learn the local language, and get their hands dirty!

FYI, Ghana is 6 hours ahead of Mountain Time.


  1. Glad you are all safe and with luggage. Enjoy your time and take it all in. Please remind Michaela that Donna Johnson would love a picture of a special needs child so that she can start her portfolio and fulfill her dream of teaching therapeudic riding in a third world country. Hugs to all of you. The Ellingsons

  2. Love the post and glad you made it safe and sound. We look forward to seeing pictures and hearing how the project goes. Remind Kevin to brush his teeth :-) haha
    Have a Blast,
    The Lucey's

  3. Can't wait to hear more about how things are going. Hope you are all having a fabulous time.
